Personal Details 1
Emergency Contact 2
Event Information 3
Donations 4
Extras 5
Register Another 6
Waiver 7
Checkout 8
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Personal Details

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Email *
Phone No *
Date of Birth *
Mailing Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Country *
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Emergeny Contact

First Name *
Last Name *
Phone No *

Event Information

Event Category *
Event Total


Your gifts, both large and small, will help us to achieve our mission of helping those affected by our cause.

Thank you in advance for your generous support that allows us to make a difference in the lives of thousands of people and their families each year.

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Item image
Event Race Shirt


Long-sleeve event race shirt.

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Premium Protection Plan

Cost: $15.99

Race entry protection plans help protect your investment • Includes event cancellation • Waives change processing fees Allows you to: • Cancel your non-refundable race entry for any reason and receive a refund • Defer your race entry to the following year

No image
Basic Protection Plan

Cost: $7.99

Race entry protection plans help protect your investment • Includes event cancellation • Waives change processing fees Allows you to: • Cancel your non-refundable race entry for any reason and receive a refund • Defer your race entry to the following year





This release and indemnity participant agreement is a requirement for this event. I understand that I will not be allowed to participate without acknowledging that I have read and agreed to its terms. I know this is also a requirement for any participant I may register. If registering my minor child, I know I must be the legal parent or guardian and agree to these terms for my child. In consideration of your accepting my entry into this race event, I, the undersigned, do hereby for myself, my personal representatives, assigns, heirs, executors, administrators, and successors, fully and forever waive, release, discharge any and all rights and claims for damages I may acquire against Laveen Community Council, the beneficiaries, all partners, sponsors, co-sponsors, hosts, co-hosts, all vendors or individuals related to the event, underwriters, advertisers, the City of Phoenix, Maricopa County, the State of Arizona, all municipal agencies or private parties whose property and/or personnel are used or in any way assist the event and all nonprofits associated with the event, together with their officers, directors, shareholders, representatives, assigns, executors, administrators, and successors for loss(es), damage(s), and claims therefore on account of all injuries suffered by me or my property or my resultant death caused by participation in the event (losses), and further covenant not to sue any of the aforementioned parties for such losses. Furthermore, I am fully aware of the risks and hazards inherent in participating in this event and elect to participate voluntarily. As a condition of my participation in the event, I assume all risks and represent and warrant to the releasees that I am in good physical condition and can participate in the event safely. I understand and agree to assume liability for all medical expenses I incur during the event. I know I have the right to refuse medical treatment unless my medical condition and mental capacity are in question. At this time, I then authorize the event medical director(s) or medical company employees to recommend and initiate treatment. I also grant them access to my medical records and physicians, along with their agents, affiliates, and designees. I grant Laveen Community Council and its agents and affiliates full permission to use my name and likeness in any broadcast, telecast, video, or print media, including for advertising, sales, and promotional purposes. I provide this permission without compensation to me and waive and release any claim or right I may otherwise have arising out of such use, publication, or distribution. I am fully aware and agree that registrations for this event are nonrefundable. I also agree that in its sole discretion, Laveen Community Council may delay or cancel this event as it deems necessary. I understand this includes any condition Laveen Community Council may determine as unsafe on the day of the event. I also know that if the event is delayed or canceled, there shall be no refund of the registration cost or other costs incurred by me in connection with the event. I am fully aware and agree that race entries are nontransferable into another year or event, someone else, a different event category, or a virtual option. I am fully aware and agree that I must manage the accuracy of the information contained within my race entry and that I am responsible for updating incorrect information. I agree to validate the correctness of the information in my registration confirmation and on my bib label. I know I can request to have the personal data in my race entry updated by sending a request to I also know that I can have it corrected at packet pickup or the timing station at least 15 minutes before the start of the race. Upon completing the race, I also agree to immediately review my race result, raising any concerns I may have at the timing station. I understand that depending on the nature of a race result discrepancy or the timing of when it becomes known may cause the disqualification of my race result. I understand that I may not be allowed to participate if I have not started within 15 minutes after gun time. If this happens, I know I will forfeit any award recognition or prizes and my race result. I also understand that the same is true if my finish time is more than the allotted time to finish the event. I know I must cross the finish line to claim any finisher award collecting it at the crossing time to prevent its forfeiture. If I qualify for a placement award or prize, I know I must be present at the award ceremony and collect the award or prize when called to prevent its forfeiture. I have had sufficient opportunity to read this entire document, and I read, understand it and intentionally and voluntarily accept and agree to be bound by its terms. Furthermore, I warrant that all statements made herein are true and correct. I understand that releasees have relied on them in allowing me to participate in this event. I know clicking on the "I accept the Rules of Participation" button to continue with this registration constitutes my legal signature and acknowledges and certifies that I have read the preceding.

Register Another Person

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Subtotal : $0