Injury Prevention for Runners
Injury Management

Each year more than 60% of runners experience various types of injury. Lost days of training, rehabilitation time, and medical bills tend to accumulate too quickly. With some simple tips, the average runner’s number of injuries can be radically reduced and almost removed.
Overuse is a common injury that is generally caused by enthusiastic runners who have insufficient training but who can also be provoked by a wrong running form. In short, the incorrect form of execution does not allow the body to function as it should and, therefore, the body decomposes at a faster pace, which makes what could usually be a good and solid training session be difficult to maintain. Eliminating the wrong way of running starts with the right shoes. Keep in mind, we have run for thousands of years! As the invention of high-tech shoes, we have seen more injuries than ever before.
Problems of Weak Tendons and Muscles:
Weak joints and muscles originate from running with the wrong shape, bad shoe choices and training only on flat surfaces. If we train only on flat surfaces, we allow special muscles and tendons inside the ankle joint to atrophy and become very weak. These are similar muscles and tendons that are liable for the balance and stabilization of the body during movement. It is extremely vital to slot in natural surfaces into your running regiment, allowing your ankles and feet to develop the muscles and tendons needed to become stronger and not weaker, helping to stabilize and balance the body while in motion.
Also, cover your feet with more padded shoes, supports for bows, etc. it only serves to further weaken the tendons, ligaments, and muscles. The reason is just simple; rather than using the foot like a natural cushion for which it was designed, we try to make a replacement for our own foot. This causes a fatal failure, a bad career technique. With the new hi-tech shoes, the runners do not develop their stride; the shows truly allow people to “survive” with their bad form. This is where injuries become commonplace. There is totally no need for high-tech footwear. That said, if you know that your step is efficient and not harmful, then there is much less danger in adding expensive luxury shoes.
Accident Problems:
Although some accidents are inevitable, others could be prevented. Ankle sprains are an ideal example of this. Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries for runners and, while some can’t really stop, with the right training, many can be prevented. The previous exercise for running injuries is to learn the correct way to run, strengthen the muscles and tendons in the ankle and feet, and work with manual eye coordination exercises. Several different exercises strengthen the muscles and tendons in the ankle and feet.
As these muscles and tendons become stronger, they stabilize the ankle joint, preventing it from bending and flexing out of its normal range of motion, in addition to helping to keep the entire body in its correct vertical state. Hand-eye coordination exercises are very important and overlooked a way to prevent running injuries. These exercises help reduce reaction time and accelerate recovery time. They are an excellent way to accelerate the body’s reflexes, which allows you to avoid tripping and falling at the same time or, at least, help the body to recover its balance without a fall.
Running is a sport like any other. It needs practice to be done properly. If you were to go out and just decide to become a soccer player, how good would you be? Running is no different. Take the time to learn your trade and running will be a sport that can be practiced until old age.